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In support of health-oriented air quality policy in North-West Europe


The Joaquin project aims to steer air quality policy towards health-based, efficient measures. Partners from Belgium, France, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom are joining forces to better identify and map the pollutants that have the biggest impact on health. To this end, a number of measuring stations are being expanded with state-of-the-art equipment, among other things. Furthermore, the aim is to provide local and regional policymakers with information that will enable them to take effective measures. Existing measures are compared and ranked according to their efficiency on the basis of literature, modelling and on-site measurements. Finally, this project also aims to raise awareness about air quality.


The Joaquin project is part of the European grant programme ERDF INTERREG IV B North-West Europe and is supported by project partners from France (1), Belgium (4), the Netherlands (4) and the United Kingdom (4): l'Ecole des Ingénieurs de la Ville de Paris, de Vlaamse milieumaatschappij (vmm), IRCEL-CELINE, het Vlaams agentschap zorg en gezondheid, de stad Antwerpen, de gemeentelijke gezondheidsdienst Amsterdam, de provincie Noord-Holland, het rijkinstituut voor volksgezondheid en milieu, het energieonderzoek centrum Nederland, the university of Brighton, the university of Leicester, the Leicester City Council, and London airTEXT.

Project type: INTERREG IV B NWE | Duration: 05/2010 – 09/2015 | Budget: € 8.945.058,88